I'm gonna show you how to get your first five customers in 10 steps. The wild world of YouTube has videos everywhere telling you how to scale and grow, but I think people overcomplicate it. And so this is actually a sneak peek from what Leads Academy will provide you on YouTube and Blogs in the future so you don’t have to pay for business education anymore. Let's dive in.
So the first step to getting this going is you need to get a list.
But I don't have a list!
You're damn straight, you do.
Number one, I want you to go to your email account. To pool all the context that you have in there. Anybody that you've ever messaged or emailed.
That becomes list one.
List two is, I want you to go to every single social media profile that you have.
What are your social media profiles?
Where you can direct message people.
So if you have followers that you can DM, I want you to write down every single one of those people.
List number three, pull out your phone, look through your contacts and I want you to export them.
And List number four is you go to Leads.cm get the offer there and you can export thousands of B2B contacts immediately.
Just filter by your target audience and you get full verified contact data you can use.
List one is all your email contacts.
List two is all of your social contacts.
List three is all of your phone and private personal contacts.
And List 4 is your Leads.cm Lead List you can expand any time.
If you add all four of those together, you will have a shitload more leads than you thought you did.
And you're like: "Wait, you're gonna ask me to contact these people?"
Slow down, not yet, and we're not gonna do it in a really weird way.
The second step is that you pick a platform.
So you have all these contacts, but you're gonna have to pick one platform that you're gonna start messaging or emailing them with.
Start with the one that you have the most people on. So if you have the most Instagram people or you have the most email contacts or you have more people in your phone than any of those, start there.
Step three, but what do I say?
You personalize your message.
Many people say it’s a good strategy to just make mass outbound.
And that’s right.
But not before you have your first 5 customers… Because if you don’t know your your buyers look like, you don’t know what really works in a scaled message.
So don’t start with spamming a generic message.
What you wanna do is you wanna use something you already know about the person or prospect in order to initiate reaching out to them.
This is also just called being a human being.
And yeah you can do it with people you know and with people you don’t know.
Depending on how much contacts you have you already know.
So what you do is you take 30 seconds, you look at someone's profile and you say, "Oh, they have got this thing, we have something in common."
And you can reach out to them with that as your primary message.
So for example, you can be like:
"Hey, saw you got a baby."
"Hey, saw you switch jobs."
"Hey, saw you move."
"Hey, you saw that movie last weekend."
Or use something you found on their website or company changes they announced on social media. It doesn't matter.
All you need to show is that you took a few seconds to actually not just blast some sort of message.
Step four, you reach out. And you reach out to 100 people every single day.
So let's say you had 1,000 people between all your emails, all your phone contacts, and every single follower across all your social medias.
Combined with thousands of contacts from Leads.cm.
It took you probably 20 years to send your first DM, message or dial, and it'll take you two minutes to send the second one.
Everything must be hard before it can be easy.
So just get over the hump, send it, just something so you can realize that you won't die.
Step five, what do I say if they reply?
You warm them up.
I use a framework that I call A-C-A.
You acknowledge, compliment, and you ask.
For example, I can acknowledge and say:
"Oh, so you have two kids.”
You're gonna compliment them about the thing.
And yes people say don’t compliment… and I would not recommend it at scale.
But within a normal conversation what you are having here right now - it’s the right thing to do.
So it's like, "Wow, you have two kids. You must be a super mom working full time and having two kids."
When we go to ask, we're gonna tie our ask to the compliment we just gave them.
Then we transition to whatever type of question that's gonna lead them to the service we sell.
If I was selling weight loss to Blogger, I'd be like, "Hey, so you're a super mom. How do you have time to eat, write, and work out?"
Wait a second, this sounds like selling!
It's not, 'cause we're talking fucking humans.
Step six, invite their friends.
When you're talking about this stuff, You're not going to sell them. This is fucking huge.
You're not gonna solicit them.
You ask a question, they're gonna tell you stuff, and then it's gonna be like:
"Oh yeah, by the way, do you know anyone who's looking for X, Y, and Z? Because I'm opening up a few slots to help people do exactly that."
You're just asking them if they know anybody.
And since you're friends with them, and since you're contacts, you're asking them for a favor.
You're not asking them to buy from you.
This should make you not feel weird about messaging people.
Even if you are taking to a stranger because it’s just your reply on their reply.
And if they say, "Hey, I'd like to find out more," now what they have done is they've transitioned from a lead to an engaged lead.
A lead is somebody that you can contact.
An engaged lead is someone who you can contact, comma, who has shown interest in the thing that you sell.
If she says, "I haven't been able to keep up "with my workouts," etcetera, now they have shown interest in the thing.
Well, then how do I get them to buy from it?
We're gonna give them the easiest offer in the world.
"Yes, you're gonna make it free."
They probably know that you're not that experienced.
Just be honest.
The reason we do it for free is you say,
“Hey, I'm gonna do all this stuff for free as long as you promise to do three things.”
One, you actually use my service.
Two, you give me feedback on it.
And three, leave a killer review if you think it deserves one.
Those are the terms of exchange.
The reason I want you to start with that is that one, it'll get you more reps.
Two, you probably suck.
Three, you need to learn how to suck less and you suck less by doing more.
And it's way easier to get more people to work with you if you lower the barrier to free.
You're actually getting the better end of the deal.
They're exchanging their time and their effort and some stuff later that you're gonna have them do.
Just because you're not getting paid doesn't mean it's free, but it is monetarily free.
Here is how you can say this:
"By the way, do you know anybody who is, [describe their struggles], [looking to, dream outcome], [in, time delay].
I'm taking on five key studies for free because that's all I can handle.
I just wanna get some testimonials "for my service or product."
And we're being honest because this is a first business and you have probably no idea what you're doing so you better not take more than five customers on.
"I just had a girl named XXX work with me to get Dream Outcome, even though she described the same struggle the person you're talking to is struggling with, I'd like to get more testimonials to show it works across different scenarios."
Does anyone you like come to mind? If they say no, here's a really funny way you can respond to that.
How to respond to rejection.
Just say, "Ha ha, does anyone you hate come to mind?" (laughs).
Honestly, that's when you'll sometimes get the real response.
If you don't have time to say all of those things, you just say:
"I help the type of customer get dream outcome in time period without effort and sacrifice and I guarantee X, Y and Z to decrease risk."
That's it.
That's if you just have that moment to deliver one thing of what do I do?
The reason this is smart is that someone tells you they don't wanna work with you even for free is because there are hidden costs associated with whatever thing you sell.
If you figure out what all those hidden costs are, you can eliminate those hidden costs and then be able to charge significantly more for your solution later compared to the other people who charge for it and still include those hidden costs.
Now we go to step eight.
You start back at the top.
So you had that big list, and we hit all of them once, and back again.
So some of those people, by the way, when you ask them if they know anybody, they actually just give you people that they know that might help, and you get free leads. 'cause if you reach out to 3,000 people with a free thing, you'll get five people who will take you up on it.
I promise you.
In our 104 Proven Cold Email Templates you get a ton of examples how to approach people depending on where you got the contact information from.
For example, when somebody referred you and you don’t want to miss this chance.
So now you're like, "But I can't work for free forever."
Now we're on step nine, start charging.
Once people start referring, that's when you know you were good enough to start charging.
When this happens, all you do is you go back up to the script that I just read to you and you change free to “80% off”.
And you say that's for the next five.
What do you do after that?
Change the “80%” to “60%”.
After you get those five, change to 40, then to 20. Then you're at full price.
But guess what?
It doesn't have to stop there.
You can go 20% over.
You can go 40% over that because there are no rules.
And if at that point you're way better, you may merit that because of the value that you deliver.
Because ideally you're charging full retail, but now you're at 10x the value.
Value that you have done has gotten better because you figured out from the feedback that these people that work with you for free have told you so that you can make it even better for people who pay you.
Once you have those people and you started transitioning, congratulations, you are in business and you are making money.
You will at some point reach capacity.
When you fill up all your slots with free people and discounted people, now you have true scarcity. And so you can ethically sell with conviction that you really don't have that much room.
They will desire you more because you are scarce from a resource perspective, and then they will pay the same or premium in order to work with you. And then you turn to your free person and you say, I am accepting somebody who is paying full boat in order to do this.
If you would like me to keep doing this for you, you would have to start paying to match them.
Are you comfortable with that?
If they're not, no sweat, because all you did is you helped them for free.
And you still get your killer review back.
And those free people, you have to love and cherish them more than anyone else in your life, because they're gonna get you business in three different ways.
One, they're gonna leave you reviews that are gonna get you business.
Two, they're gonna send you people that are gonna get you business.
And three, they themselves may transition into paying you, which will also get you business.
Don't think short, think long, and you'll make long money.
Now, you have paying customers, you're reaching your capacity, you're consistently raising your price, because now there is more demand than you have supply.
And we have artificially created a condition for profit. So what's the 10 step?
Make it a scaling machine.
Contact more people.
When you know what message to send you can build your cold email machine and send emails to anyone in your target audience.
You don’t need Ads for this or other things.
Just take the message you know it works and use Leads.cm Lead Lists since you started your business exactly this way.
And that's the game.
That's how you go from zero to hero and get your first five paying customers.
For Cold Emailers & Cold Callers hungry going 🚀
What is Leads.cm?
For Cold Emailers & Cold Callers hungry going 🚀
The Only B2B Database Software Without Credit Limits
The Only B2B Database Software Without Credit Limits
Export Clean data and find prospects for cold outbound at scale in our LinkedIn Database, Instagram Database and unlimited Technology Lookup, with inbuilt email verifier & advanced filters in one place.
Find prospects for cold outbound at scale in our LinkedIn Database, Instagram Database and unlimited Technology Lookup, with inbuilt email verifier & advanced filters in one place.
1) Start Free Trial → 2) Filter Contacts → 3) Mass Export at scale
✅ All features instantly unlocked. ✅ No export or credit limits.
1) Start Now → 2) Filter Contacts → 3) Mass Export
✅ All features unlocked. ✅ No export or credit limits.
What is Leads.cm?
For Cold Emailers & Cold Callers hungry going 🚀
The Only B2B Database Software Without Credit Limits
Export clean data and find prospects for cold outbound at scale in our LinkedIn Database, Instagram Database and unlimited Technology Lookup, with inbuilt email verifier & advanced filters in one place.
1) Start Now → 2) Filter Contacts → 3) Mass Export at scale
✅ All features instantly unlocked. ✅ No export or credit limits.
Find B2B contacts at scale and import them into you favorite Outbound Software
Build Limitless Lead Lists With Leads.cm
Build Limitless Lead
Lists With Leads.cm
Takes less than 1 minute. All features unlocked.
Takes less than 1 minute. All features unlocked.
Filter Millions of Cleaned B2B Contacts
Everyone hates export limits when looking for cleaned B2B Data. That's why we radically deleted them, so you can filter your target audience and export millions of potential buyers.
Find CEOs, High Level Managers, Presidents, Directors & more
Find Entrepreneurs & all management levels in our LinkedIn Database, CEO's, Managers, Employees and all decision makers in every department.
Find Small Business Owners & Influencers
Most companies have small business owners as their target audience (maybe your's?). If so our Instagram Database provides millions of contacts from small business owners or influencers hungry to grow their business and are looking for new connections and solutions to grow personally & in their business.
Export Emails, Phone Numbers And Full Lead Lists Without Export Limits
Leads.cm provides you with unlimited exports of full contact data, making building lists for cold calling or cold emailing more affordable than ever before. It's now your acquisition channel with the highest ROI ever.
Build Limitless Lead Lists With Leads.cm
Start your free trial on Leads.cm in less than 1 minute and unlock all features instantly today.
LinkedIn Database
LinkedIn is the most trusted platform doing professional outreach to people, likely to engage & connect. That's why we provide you millions of contacts you can filter by title, industry, contact level, business description, employee count and much more.
Instagram Database
Instagram is perfect for connecting with single business owners looking for opportunities to grow. That's why you will find millions of Instagram B2B contacts you can filter by category, follower count, bio, country and everything you need to find buyers at scale.
Technology Lookup
Find Prospects by the technology they use. You can download lead lists of full domains using a specific technology or cleaned lists with only emails & phone numbers. You can for example search for Shopify, Calendly or ClickFunnels & download their customer lists. There are no limits on lead lists downloads. Just try it out today!
Mass Email Verification
Leads.cm comes with an inbuilt FREE email verifier you can apply with one click on filtered lists. Never worry about risking your email reputation again.
Mass CSV Export
Leads.cm provides 3 different export methods: You can copy data to clipboard and instantly paste into google sheets or excel. You can export single Pages (50 contacts each) or you can MASS EXPORT complete filtered lists without any limits going up to hundreds of thousands CSV contacts in one single download.
Advanced Filter Technology
Our core business is providing the most advanced B2B filter technology exactly for building targeted cold emailing & cold calling lists.
Why Leads.cm?
98% Data Accuracy
With our inbuilt email verification process it is our biggest concern to only provide you with the highest contact quality.
If you ever feel that data is not accurate don't hesitate to contact us at hi@leads.cm and we will resolve the problem immediately.
Unlimited Data Extraction
Leads.cm provides you with unlimited data extraction of emails & phone numbers. You will never run into any export limits on building highly targeted lead lists at any size or scale.
Best B2B Contact Data Prices
You have unlimited monthly credits, regardless of email exports or phone number exports.
Import In Any Outbound Software
You can import the contacts details into any sheets software, outbound software, dialer, email software or CRM with ease.
Why Leads.cm?
Excellent Filter Technology
Our AI-Powered filter technology gives your allround options to find any target audience in any niche from small business owners, to large enterprise decision makers.
Best User Experience
Since our B2B Database software only focuses on contacts, filters & verification, our user interface is super easy to use and makes it lightning fast to build your first list of hundred of thousand targeted leads.
Build Limitless Lead Lists With Leads.cm
Start your free trial on Leads.cm in less than 1 minute and unlock all features instantly today.
LinkedIn Database
LinkedIn is the most trusted platform doing professional outreach to people, likely to engage & connect. That's why we provide you millions of contacts you can filter by title, industry, contact level, business description, employee count and much more.
Instagram Database
Instagram is perfect for connecting with single business owners looking for opportunities to grow. That's why you will find millions of Instagram B2B contacts you can filter by category, follower count, bio, country and everything you need to find buyers at scale.
Technology Lookup
Find Prospects by the technology they use. You can download lead lists of full domains using a specific technology or cleaned lists with only emails & phone numbers. You can for example search for Shopify, Calendly or ClickFunnels & download their customer lists. There are no limits on lead lists downloads. Just try it out today!
Mass Email Verification
Leads.cm comes with an inbuilt FREE email verifier you can apply with one click on filtered lists. Never worry about risking your email reputation again.
Mass CSV Export
Leads.cm provides 3 different export methods: You can copy data to clipboard and instantly paste into google sheets or excel. You can export single Pages (50 contacts each) or you can MASS EXPORT complete filtered lists without any limits going up to hundreds of thousands CSV contacts in one single download.
Advanced Filter Technology
Our core business is providing the most advanced B2B filter technology exactly for building targeted cold emailing & cold calling lists.
Find CEOs, High Level Managers, Presidents, Directors & more
Find Entrepreneurs & all management levels in our LinkedIn Database, CEO's, Managers, Employees and all decision makers in every department.
Export Emails, Phone Numbers And Full Lead Lists Without Export Limits
Leads.cm provides you with unlimited exports of full contact data, making building lists for cold calling or cold emailing more affordable than ever before. It's now your acquisition channel with the highest ROI ever.
Filter Millions of Cleaned B2B Contacts
Everyone hates export limits when looking for cleaned B2B Data. That's why we radically deleted them, so you can filter your target audience and export millions of potential buyers.
Find Small Business Owners & Influencers
Most companies have small business owners as their target audience (maybe your's?). If so our Instagram Database provides millions of contacts from small business owners or influencers hungry to grow their business and are looking for new connections and solutions to grow personally & in their business.
Build Limitless Lead Lists With Leads.cm
Start your free trial on Leads.cm in less than 1 minute and unlock all features instantly today.
Why Leads.cm?
Best B2B Contact Data Prices
You have unlimited monthly credits, regardless of email exports or phone number exports.
Import In Any Outbound Software
You can import the contacts details into any sheets software, outbound software, dialer, email software or CRM with ease.
Best User Experience
Since our B2B Database software only focuses on contacts, filters & verification, our user interface is super easy to use and makes it lightning fast to build your first list of hundred of thousand targeted leads.
Why Leads.cm?
98% Data Accuracy
With our inbuilt email verification process it is our biggest concern to only provide you with the highest contact quality.
If you ever feel that data is not accurate don't hesitate to contact us at hi@leads.cm and we will resolve the problem immediately.
Unlimited Data Extraction
Leads.cm provides you with unlimited data extraction of emails & phone numbers. You will never run into any export limits on building highly targeted lead lists at any size or scale.
Excellent Filter Technology
Our AI-Powered filter technology gives your allround options to find any target audience in any niche from small business owners, to large enterprise decision makers.
Build Limitless Lead Lists With Leads.cm
Start your free trial on Leads.cm in less than 1 minute and unlock all features instantly today.
B2B Contacts Pricing
How many contacts do you want to export monthly?
Price Per 10K Leads
Total Amount Always Stays Same At $99/mo
The more Leads you need, the cheaper it gets!
Targeted Cold Emailing
Targeted Cold Calling
List Building
Custom Meta Ad Audiences
Price Stays The Same, Regardless Your Exports
You have unlimited monthly credits, regardless of email exports or phone number exports.
First month:
Import into your Outbound Software:
Payments Accepted:
Filter Contacts by:
All Filter Options Are Instantly Unlocked:
Business Size
Contact Email
Follower Count
Mandatory Fax
Company Location
Employee Count
AI Powered Keywords
Country, State, City
Mandatory Website
Business Description & Social Bio
Phone Number
Industry / Category
Contact Level
Technology Stack
Business Email
Mandatory Verified
Business Size
Postal Code
Company Location
AI Powered Keywords
Mandatory Website
Contact Phone Number
Contact Level
Business Email
Contact Email
Follower Count
Mandatory Fax
Employee Count
Country, State, City
Business Description & Social Bio
Industry / Category
Technology Stack
Mandatory Verified
Highest Accuracy & Lowest Prices
Highest Accuracy & Lowest Prices
We are proud of our outstanding accuracy and reasonable prices. Leads.cm is perfect for businesses with high contact data needs.
Leads.cm is unique to offer:
AI-Powered Filter Technology
AI-Powered Filter Technology
Bad categorized Leads are an instant turnoff. Get Business Owners from 1-Person to Enterprise Companies and all between. Powered by our global data capturing technology unlocking detailed keywords & insights nobody else provides.
With Leads.cm you get:
Technology Lookup Without Any Limits
Technology Lookup Without Any Limits
Find prospects by the technology they use. If they have it installed on their website, we find it and deliver their info to you! It makes building targeted leads lists even more fun.
In our Technology Look you get:
Integrate With Any Outbound Software
Integrate With Any Outbound Software
To make it super simple for you, you can export unlimited contact details and import them instantly into your favorite outbound software.
Just a couple of clicks:
Your Outbound Is In Safe Hands
Your Outbound Is In Safe Hands
Why Leads.cm
Start Now & Get Immediate Access To All Features!
We Respect Your Privacy & Information.
You get immediate access to unlimited exports.
We'll process a charge to your card on file, unless you decide to cancel prior to the end of every month. Our Payments are 100% Safe & Secure.
Please Note: When you become part of the Leads.cm community, you may receive updates via email messages from Leads.cm and/or the affiliate who referred you to Leads.cm.
Leads.cm Is The Only B2B Database Software Not Based On An Undressing Credit Pricing Structure:
That said, we will never drop our data quality due our pricing model. We continue to work on the most up to date contact details and hustle to improve our filter technology, so every cold emailer & cold caller has an unmatched competitor advantage using Leads.cm and it's technology.