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The Best Cold Email To Write

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The Best Cold Email To Write
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The Best Cold Email To Write

The Most Proven Cold Email Letter

This is the most proven Cold Email Letter you can ever write. It will skyrocket your open rates. People will read it completely. And as long as you send this email to the right people it will create the burning desire to connect with you & buy your product or service.

Additionally I will show you how you find those mentioned "people" and make this message a multiplying sales machine. After this article you know exactly what the best possible email for your specific offer is and how to send it to millions of people.

Why Your Emails Are Getting Ignored

Most emails are simply getting ignored. The reason is that either the message is bad or the message is going to the wrong people. This does not just discourage, it also wastes important resources like email reputation, time and money you invested in contact data & your outbound software.

And this leads to thinking, that cold email isn't worth it. But this would mean you miss a big channel with one of the highest ROI in the market as by Forbes.

How To Get Unlimited Leads You Can Send Your Perfect Message To

So before you start creating your message you want to have an unlimited pool of potential clients you can reach out to.

Most B2B Database Software make this very expensive, since you have to pay contacts per credits. So choosing the right B2B Database is crucial to secure profitability.

Therefore you can just go to Here you get unlimited email exports in a $99 flat-rate with 54% in all following months. It will save you thousands.

Just click on the "Get Offer Now" button here and enter your information on the page.

If you like, use the unlimited technology lead lists offer here. It gives you access to millions of prospects using a specific technology you can download with one click.

After you got your access with you can simply filter by your target audience.

First you have to choose your lead source.

I go with the smaller Instagram Leads and agencies for this example.

I just hit "Apply All" and got a nice number of agencies here.

About 100K in total.

Now I just go with the first 12 thousand.

To verify the emails I hit "Verifiy all selected Emails".

Then I mass export the data and have my first list to start with.

If I want to use more contacts for my later campaigns I just go to the other datasets here.

I can simply repeat this process until I have all agencies and can do the same in with LinkedIn Leads or in the technology lookup.

But I will stop here, since I want to check out my results with the first dataset first.

5 Layers To Create The Best Cold Email

So when you have your Lead List you can start creating your message. There are 5 layers you want to take a look at, to write the best possible Cold Email.

  1. The Messaging Level
  2. The subject line grabbing them by the eggs
  3. The Big Promise
  4. The Call To Action
  5. The "Proof PS"

1) The Messaging Level

Most people just forget, that they talk with humans. Even if you are sending 100s of thousands of emails a month. Every email goes to a person.

Every person has a different kind of tone they like.

Some people like a chill vibe. Some people feel like serious business people and need the feeling of exclusivity and professionalism. And some people just want facts. So you have to figure out, what messaging level your target audience is on.

And I know... you probably think right now: "I already know the level of my target audience..."

And that may be right. But just in case, you are missing some details, you want to always spy on the tone your audience uses themselves.

If you got your Lead Lists from, you simply can spy on some of their websites. Just go to the database you downloaded the leads from and check out the word they are using. I recommend just checking their tone & visuals, so you know what they might expect from messages approaching them.

After you checked 10-20 Websites you will get a good feeling on how to write your message. The more websites you check, the better your sensitivity of things to do and not to do will get.

Now just keep that feeling in mind and go to the second step.

2) The subject line grabbing them by the eggs

If you downloaded the 104 Cold Email Templates you already got quite a list of well performing subject lines you can twist based on the information you found out about the right tonality.

If you need a new perspective I recommend a combination of curiosity & simplicity.

The most basic thing to do is "Quick Question" and the most curiosity thing to do would be going straight to a topic you know they are interested in, like "Email Credit Limits What?".

But the second one is always more risky to get sales resistance.

So I like to choose the golden middle.

Something like: "[Name], some live leads?"

So I keep it simple, but go to the point.

The process for you would be to create 5 absolutely lame headlines you could think of, like:

  • "Need [desired outcome]?"
  • "Regarding [their company name]"
  • Or just [Name]

Then write 5 creative "over the top" ones:

  • "Apollo's Price Pop"
  • "Data, No Drama"
  • "Credits Limits?"

Sometimes I like the crazy ones and sometimes I like the basic ones. But as said most of the time I build a mix of them.

So I end up with:

"No Credit Limits for [their company name]?"

Or something similar.

So write down your 5 basic, 5 crazy, and 5 mixed ones now.

After you have them, just leave them as they are and come back later, after you created the full sales message.

3) The Big Promise

Obviously there are thousands of ways to start a cold email. Here is a way, that probably generated people half an Elon Musk fortune (combined of course :D).

Start with a personalization (where you have found out about the person) combined with your big promise.

So based on the tone you found out in your first step it would look like:

Subject Line:

"No Credit Limits for [their company name]?"


Hey [first name] - I was checking out your Instagram and noticed the work you do in the agency space and wanted to reach out personally and ask if you currently use a B2B Database Software that provides the right contact info.

The reason I asked is that we eliminated credit limits on exporting emails & phone numbers completely. Some clients used this opportunity to go 7-figures monthly just with cold outbound. I'll post some core features in the PS.

So what I did here was just a smooth transition from a personalization that works at any scale with well categorized Lead Lists and the promise what our company does for the client.

Just try your version out now and continue with the next area of the best possible email.

4) The Call To Action

We want to be smart here. Smart means, to be decent and not too aggressive. You want to play a small pendulum. So simply continue with:

"Is this top of mind for you right now? If so, here's a quick video on how to use all features instantly without a penny down.

Check it out, then start a free trial using the link below the video and you can download the first thousands lead lists free."

So you start with a soft question, but stay straightforward to make sure what your target audience needs to hear.

Don't forget you are talking to a human and not everybody needs to take your offer. If it's not for them, it's okay. But the right person will need this straight CTA.

5) The "Proof PS"

PS. Here’s what our B2B Database Software can do:
No Phone Export Limits
No Email Export Limits
Find Leads Based On the Technology They Use
Find Leads from Instagram & LinkedIn
98% Accuracy Free Inbuilt Email Verifier
Mass Export With One Click
Filter by Any Industry, Size & Title

The Best Cold Email To Write (Full Email)

So let us take a look on the full email, you can use as inspiration to craft your perfect sales message:

Subject Line: "No Credit Limits for [their company name]?"

Hey [first name] - I was checking out your Instagram and noticed the work you do in the agency space and wanted to reach out personally and ask if you currently use a B2B Database Software that provides the right contact info.

The reason I asked is that we eliminated credit limits on exporting emails & phone numbers completely. Some clients used this opportunity to go 7-figures monthly just with cold outbound. I'll post some core features in the PS.

Is this top of mind for you right now? If so, here's a quick video on how to use all features instantly without a penny down.

Check it out, then start a free trial using the link below the video and you can download the first thousands lead lists free.

- [Name]

PS. Here’s a small fraction of what our B2B Database Software can do
- No Phone Export Limits
- No Email Export Limits
- Find Leads Based On the Technology They Use
- Find Leads from Instagram & LinkedIn
- 98% Accuracy Free Inbuilt Email Verifier
- Mass Export With One Click
- Filter by Any Industry, Size & Title

As you can see, we go with a direct tone, starting with the personalization, combine it with the big promise, don't hesitate to ask, what we want them to do and finish up with a great Proof PS so it's clear we have a concrete offer that will definitely help - as long as it targets the right person.

Now create your message, leave some feedback below on what you like about this sales message and what results you are getting. And keep in mind to stay true to your own tonality and knowledge of your target audience.

If you need fresh B2B Leads also checkout and create your first account. See you in the next one!

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B2B Contacts Pricing

How many contacts do you want to export monthly?

Price Per 10K Leads

Total Amount Always Stays Same At $99/mo

The more Leads you need, the cheaper it gets!

If You Need 25,000 Leads The Price per 10K Leads is:
Only $39.60


Targeted Cold Emailing

Targeted Cold Calling



List Building

Custom Meta Ad Audiences

Price Stays The Same, Regardless Your Exports

You have unlimited monthly credits, regardless of email exports or phone number exports.

First month:

Only $99.00

Import into your Outbound Software:

+ All following months 54% off (Only $45)

Payments Accepted:

Filter Contacts by:

All Filter Options Are Instantly Unlocked:

We are proud of our outstanding accuracy and reasonable prices. is perfect for businesses with high contact data needs. is unique to offer:

  • 98% Accuracy Inbuilt Email Verification
  • AI-Powered Filter Technology
  • Unlimited Exports For Only $99
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Find prospects by the technology they use. If they have it installed on their website, we find it and deliver their info to you! It makes building targeted leads lists even more fun.

In our Technology Look you get:

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  • Cleaned lead lists with phone & emails
  • Unlimited Lead Lists Downloads
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To make it super simple for you, you can export unlimited contact details and import them instantly into your favorite outbound software.

Just a couple of clicks:

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  • Verify the data & export as CSV
  • Import into any software
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  • Leads From 2024
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Handpicked Publicly Available Data
  • Inbuilt Email Verification